Byui download zoom -

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Byui download zoom.Transitioning to Zoom 

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BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides an accessible path to a spiritually based degree completely online at an affordable price. My Media Kaltura.    


How to Login to Zoom Using SSO | BYU-Idaho Software | Tech Guides (IT Governance)


Name Product Name. IT Change Management Standard. Randy Beard, beardr byui. Doug Conway - conwayd byui. Campus - Kent Barrus - barrusk byui.

Online - Mike Wegner — wegnerm byui. Site License: 35, hosts, 5 - webinars participants , 1 - webinar participants , 7 zoom rooms, 3 - H. Email: skidmorebe byui. Call I Click zoom. Vendor Support Rep Please include Name, email, phone, job title. Search Articles. Zoom Document Last Update: Sept. Purpose Requester intended use of the product. What will the tool accomplish? What benefits to the university, students, others? Online Video Conferencing collaboration system to allow students, faculty, and employees to interact in the online environment.

Also used by our Help desk and tutoring services to provide help to geographically dispersed students. Communication Path Communication paths for product changes and emergencies,… When do the owner, stakeholders, employees and students need to be notified? Path for back end issue - upgrades, bugs, Path for Interface issue - upgrades, bugs, Please include name, email, phone, job title. Nyk Vail vailn byui.

Can influence product decisions. Are impacted directly or indirectly by the product. Stakeholders: Cary Craner cranerc byui. How is the license renewed? Next renewal date? When should this product be reviewed again for purpose and outcome? Usually, this happens every years. List all university systems used. Installation instructions - URL or direction how to find the instructions.

Who is responsible for installation - please include email, phone, job title. Was this helpful? Thank you. Your feedback has been recorded. Comments Do not fill this field out. It is used to deter robots. Submit Cancel Feedback. Blank Blank. Blank Details. Article ID: Recipient s - separate email addresses with a comma.

Check out this article I found in the IT Services knowledge base. Send Close. Description Vendors description of the product. Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing platform that can be used for video conferencing meetings, audio conferencing, webinars, meeting recordings, and live chat.

Emergencies major, minor. Product Owner The person who can make the ultimate decisions for the product - funding, road map, vision, governance and retirement. Stakeholders A person or group of people who have an interest in the product and its success.

Audience Who will use the product? Purchasing Purchaser and requester information - name, email, phone Licensing description of the license agreement - site license, per user, per computer, Licensing Contract How many licenses were purchased for the product? Site License. Data Give description of all data and how it interacts with the university systems.


CAS – Central Authentication Service - Updating...

  If your classes or curriculum are web conferencing intensive, these would be a great way to learn more about Zoom.    


- Byui download zoom

    Zoom is a BYU-Idaho supported video conferencing tool. Teachers can use this tool to meet remotely, broadcast lectures, collaborate with students, hold office. How to Login to Zoom Using SSO · 1. On the sign in page, click SSO. · 2. It will ask for a company domain name, enter "byui" and click Continue.


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